Drug Court

Drug Treatment Court

AICDAC Drug Treatment Court

Drug Treatment Court focuses on Level 2, 3 and Level 4 offenders who, due to the presence of a substance abuse problem, are sentenced to the program in lieu of jail. Why was the program created?

  • As an alternative sentencing tool
  • To identify offenders for whom restrictive intermediate punishment sentence combined with drug and alcohol treatment may be more appropriate and effective than incarceration
  • To reduce the number of offenders repeating drug/alcohol abuse and crime

How is a person admitted into the program?

Eligible individuals (nonviolent Level 2/Level 3/Level 4 offenders) will be identified and interviewed by the County Probation Department.

Appropriate individuals MUST have an initial drug and alcohol assessment conducted by a Case Manager through the ArmstrongIndianaClarion Drug & Alcohol Commission, Inc. This assessment will determine the most appropriate level of care for drug & alcohol treatment. The Case Manager will forward the recommendation to the Drug Treatment court team.

The Judge makes the decision to sentence the offender to the program. THE JUDGE RESERVES THE RIGHT TO REFUSE A RECOMMENDATION TO THE PROGRAM AT ANY TIME.

If sentenced to the program, the individual will go directly to the level of care which was recommended for drug & alcohol treatment.

The following team members participate in the program to assist the offender:

Armstrong County

Intensive Supervision and Treatment

District Attorney’s Office

Probation Department

Armstrong-Indiana-Clarion Drug & Alcohol Case Managers

Defense Advocate

Treatment Provider

Mental Health Liaison

Clarion County

Clarion Treatment Court

District Attorney’s Office

Magisterial Judge

Probation Department

Armstrong-Indiana-Clarion Drug & Alcohol Case Managers

Defense Advocate

Treatment Provider

Mental Health Liaison

Indiana County

Indiana County Drug Court


District Attorney’s Office

Probation Department

Armstrong-Indiana-Clarion Drug & Alcohol Case Managers

Defense Advocate

Treatment Provider

Mental Health Liaison

All will maintain regular contact with each other and the client to continually review the client’s progress.