
Drug & Alcohol Commission, Inc.
Learn More About Us
Hands Holding Purple Ribbon Representing Hope For Recovery AICDAC

Mission Statement

The mission of the Armstrong-Indiana-Clarion Drug and Alcohol Commission is to address the abuse and destructive effects of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs through prevention, intervention, treatment, and case management. 

Vision Statement

The vision of the Armstrong-Indiana-Clarion Drug and Alcohol Commission is to maximize resources that empower change to improve the quality of life for individuals, families, and the community impacted by the abuse and destructive effects of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs.

Kami Anderson, Executive Director
Susanne Steffee, Board President

Our Services

Our prevention specialist can help you find the right program for your needs. Our Case Managers and Certified Recovery Specialists can help you in finding solutions for treatment. At AICDAC, we help to remove barriers for individuals seeking recovery.





Certified Recovery


Drug Free






Student Assistance


Medication Assisted


Business News & Resources

Drug Take Back Day

Every October and April, The DEA hosts National Rx Take Back Day. This year, National Rx Take Back Day fell on October 26, 2024. This initiative aims to collect unused or expired medications, so that they are not sitting in a medicine cabinet at home. Too often, these unused prescription drugs find their way into the wrong hands which is dangerous and often tragic.

Homer Center High School Students Participate in Project Sticker Shock

During the month of October, many high school students are getting ready for Homecoming. This is also a risky time of year when many teenagers may be introduced to underage drinking. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) statistics, approximately 1,000 children under age 21 die each year in preventable tragedies while celebrating their high school homecoming. Therefore, efforts to prevent underage drinking, particularly at homecoming, is critical.

2024 Recovery HUB Conference

Recovery HUB Conferences for Regions 6 and 7 registration is now open! Registration is now open for the AICDAC Recovery HUB Conference! The HUB is inviting Vendors to set up information tables throughout the day. We are also accepting submissions for proposals if you...

General Inquiries

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