There are permanent prescription drug takeback boxes available in Armstrong, Indiana, and Clarion Counties.   These locations provide individuals with a secure and convenient way to dispose of unused medication.  Disposing of prescription medications helps prevent the misuse and abuse of these substances while being environmentally friendly.

Bring your unused, unwanted, or expired medications to a local drop off site for disposal by law enforcement personnel.


Unused prescription medications can be dangerous.  The American Association of Poison Control Centers reported that half of all poisoning exposures in 2011 involved children under age 6.  Having multiple prescriptions, especially pain killers, may attract crime or family/friends struggling with substance use.


Armstrong County
Apollo Borough Police Department
616 First Street
Apollo, PA  15613
Armstrong County Memorial Hospital
1 Nolte Drive
Kittanning, PA  16201
East Franklin Township Police Department
106 Cherry Orchard Avenue
Kittanning, PA  16201
Freeport Police Department
414 Market Street
Freeport, PA  16229
Ford City Police Department
1000 4th Avenue
Ford City, PA  16226
Kiskiminetas Township Police Department
222 Old State Road
Apollo, PA  15316
Manor Township Police Department
306 Byron Street
McGrann, PA  16236
Parks Township Police Department
26 Jackson Street
Vandergrift, PA  15690
Indiana County
Blairsville Borough Police Department
201 E. Market Street
Blairsville, PA  15717
24 hours a day / 7 days a week
Indiana Borough Police Department
80 N. 8th Street
Indiana, PA  15701
M-F  8:00am – 4:00pm
Indiana County District Attorney's Office
825 Philadelphia Street
Indiana, PA  15701
M-F  8:00am – 4:00pm
Indiana, PA CVS #4000
2501 Warren Road
Indiana, PA  15701
Follows Pharmacy Hours of Operation
Indiana University of PA Police Department
850 Maple Street, University Towers
Indiana, PA  15701
24 hours a day / 7 days a week
State Police: Troop A / Indiana
4221 Route 286 Highway West
Indiana, PA  15701
Clarion County
Clarion Borough Police Department
1400 East Main Street
Clarion, PA  16214
24 hours a day / 7 days a week
Knox Borough Police Department
620 South Main Street
Knox, PA  16232
Southern Clarion County Regional Police Department
220 Broad Street
New Bethlehem, PA  16242
State Police: Troop C / Clarion

209 Commerce Road
Clarion, PA  16214